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The Hats I Wear

First and foremost, let's be honest, this blog was created as a requirement for my MBA course on Digital Marketing.  In other words, I started this blog out of compliance.

But then again, after thinking long and hard (less than 1 minute) on what the title of my blog should carry and  with much discernment, I finally settled on the now iconic "The Hats I Wear" blog page.

Just to give you a glimpse of the thought process (all in less than 60 seconds) that I went through,  I started by  reflecting on who I am, what defines me, how do people know me, during my wake - what would be my eulogy?  Then it hit me, I am who I am; but, I am also a mosaic of different personalities depending on necessity.  As the old adage goes - "Necessity is the mother of Invention."  In my case, re-invention.  How else can you explain how an introvert was thrust to the limelight of sales and management.

I am a conundrum of many things to many different people.

I am a husband
I am a father
I am a son
I am a brother
I am a friend
I am an enemy
I am a colleague
I am a confidant
I am a solution seeker
I am a lover
I am a wanderer
I am a masseur
I am a connoisseur
I am a writer
I am a reader
I am a teacher
I am a student
I am financial adviser
I am a trainer
I am a coach
I am a follower
I am a leader
I am an Agustinian
I am a La Sallian
I am an Atenean
I am Tagalog
I am Cebuano
I am whoever you want me to be baby (wink, wink)
I can go on actually; but, I am down to my last Tsingtao.

You - reading this - might start asking yourself "Does he really know who he is?" My retort is simply, "Do you?"

Seriously, henceforth, I am dedicating this blog to the many faces, facets of Bryan Peter Velasco Evangelista, Who he was, who he is, who he can be.

If you like my blog, do share a comment.  If you don't like, then stop reading and delete me from your history.

Walang basagan ng trip.


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